Math Intuition
Updated mental models
Numbers aren’t just a count; a better viewpoint is a position on a line. This position can be negative (\(-1\)), between other numbers (\(\sqrt{2}\)), or in another dimension (\(i\)).
Arithmetic became a general way to transform a number. Addition is sliding along the number line (\(+ 3\) means slide 3 to the right) and multiplication is scaling ( \(\times 3\) means scale it up 3 times).
Mathematically, the exponent function does this:
\[ \mathrm{original} \times \mathrm{growth}^{\mathrm{duration}} = \mathrm{new} \]
or \[ \mathrm{growth}^{\mathrm{duration}} = \frac{\mathrm{new}}{\mathrm{original}} \]
Operation | Old concept | New concept |
Addition | Repeated counting | Sliding |
Multiplication | Repeated addition | Scaling |
Exponents | Repeated multiplication | Growth for amount of time |
Understanding e
The number e is the base amount of growth shared by all continually growing processes. The number e merges Rate and Time. When we write:
\[ e^x \]
the variable x is a combination of rate and time.
\[ x = \text{rate} \times \text{time} \]
So, our general formula becomes:
\[ \text{growth} = e^x = e^{r t} \]
The number e is about continuous growth. Intuitively, \(e^x\) means:
- How much growth do I get after after x units of time (and 100% continuous growth)