Goodness-of-fit for continuous data
Under construction
The graphs are broadly separated into two categories: prediction-based (basic) and simulation-based tools.
Prediction-based evaluation
Population-based graphs
Graphs | What does it assess? |
DV vs. PRED | Trends may suggest a modification of structural model, RUV model or IIV model. |
CWRES vs (TIME, PRED) | Trends may suggest a modification of structural model, RUV model, or IIV model. Trends by conditioning on covariates suggest including covariates. |
CWRES vs COV | Trends suggest including covariates or changing the covariate model. |
Individual-based graphs
Graphs | What does it assess? |
Individual fits: (DV, PRED, IPRED) vs TIME | Expect evenly distributed observation around the individual predicted curve, not spot-on predictions (indication of overfit). This diagnostic is not useful for sparse data. |
DV vs IPRED | Only evaluates strutural model and RUV, not IIV. |
IWRES vs (TIME, IPRED) | Evaluates RUV. A cone-shaped graph of IWRES vs IPRED suggests a change in the error model. |
ETAx vs ETAy | Prefer random sampling of ETAs from posterior distribution. Correlation between EBE suggests including correlation between random effects unless data are sparse. |
ETA vs COV | Trends between EBE and covariates suggest including covariates or changing the covariate model. |
Simulation-based evaluation
(pc)VPC: Trends may suggest a modification of the structural model, the residual error model, or the parameter variability model. Trends when conditioning on covariates suggest including covariates or changing the covariate model.