Goodness-of-fit for categorical data

Under construction


  • Proportion of DV, vs (binned) TIME
    • Original data vs Simulated data
    • Bar-plots
    • VPC ()
Figure 1: Binary visual predictive check (VPC). Simulated (blue distribution) and actual proportion (blue circles), stratified.
Figure 2: Binary posterior predictive check (PPC). Simulated (blue distribution) and actual proportion (red line), stratified by dose and (binned) time.

Ordinal data

Table 1: Various evaluation graphs in nonlinear mixed effect model aand proposal for a core set of evaluation graphs
Graphs What does it assess?
DV vs. PRED Trends may suggest a modification of structural model, RUV model or IIV model.
CWRES vs (TIME, PRED) Trends may suggest a modification of structural model, RUV model, or IIV model. Trends by conditioning on covariates suggest including covariates.
CWRES vs COV Trends suggest including covariates or changing the covariate model.

Composite scores

Item response theory (IRT)

Item characteristic curves

Bounded integer (BI)


Proportional odds (PO)
